
OMAP : Open Media Ad Player


An open-sourced media ad player to let you freely customize its ad insertion logics and UI overlays.


I want an easy-to-customize and open-sourced media ad player library since the major media ad library "IMA SDK" is provided as closed source software and is hard to customize.


Full API document is available describing all public methods, properties, and events.

Getting Started

If you use dash.js and IAB's VMAP, the easiest way to try OMAP is to use the OMAP binder @ygoto3/omap-dashjs-binder and the OMAP client @ygoto3/omap-iab-client like below.

First of all, install some essential packages.

$ npm install @ygoto3/omap-iab-client @ygoto3/omap-dashjs-binder --save

Then use the packages in your application code.

import dashjs from 'dashjs';
import { OmapIABClient } from '@ygoto3/omap-iab-client';
import { OmapDashjsBinder } from '@ygoto3/omap-dashjs-binder';

const videoElement = document.getElementById('video') as HTMLVideoElement;
const adDisplayContainer = document.getElementById('ad-display-container') as HTMLDivElement;
const player = dashjs.MediaPlayer().create();
const adTagUrl = '';
const omapClient = new OmapIABClient(adTagUrl);
const omapBinder = new OmapDashjsBinder(player, adDisplayContainer);
.then(() => {
player.initialize(videoElement, '', true);

Customize an OMAP binder

You can customize an OMAP binder by implementing IOmapBinder in @ygoto3/omap-core. The example below is to show you how to overlay the "THIS IS AD!!!" text on the ad video.

class YourBinder extends OmapDashjsBinder implements IOmapBinder {    
protected override onContentPauseRequested(): void {
const ad = document.createElement('p');
ad.innerText = 'THIS IS AD!!!';

Then use your custom binder instead of OmapDashjsBinder.

const omapBinder = new YourBinder(player, adDisplayContainer);

Customize an OMAP client

Your ad server possibly talks to an media player by some means other than IAB's VMAP and VAST. In this case, you need another OMAP client. If you implement IOmapClient in @ygoto3/omap-core, you can replace @ygoto3/omap-iab-client with it.

class YourClient implements IOmapClient {
// some implementation
const omapClient = new YourClient(adTagUrl);
const omapBinder = new OmapDashjsBinder(player, adDisplayContainer);


The design of OMAP is a 2-layered architecture.

  1. OMAP Client
  2. OMAP Binder

OMAP Client

The role of an OMAP client is to communicate directly with your ad server. It handles no UI-related concerns.

OMAP Binder

The role of an OMAP binder is to bind an OMAP client to a specific player library. It handles player-related and UI-related concerns.

Quick Start for Developers

  1. Checkout project repository (default branch: main)
    • git clone
  2. Install dependencies
    • npm install
  3. Build and launch samples page.
    • npm -w packages/demo run dev


OMAP is released under MIT license

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